
Crew Coasts to 4th Straight Sprint Crown

The Crimson junior varsity lightweights, expected to win easily, led all the way down the course. Stroking at 34, they crossed the finish line with open water separating them from the next three crews, which all finished within four-tenths of a second of each other. Penn was second, followed by M.I.T. and Cornell.

Junior Heavyweights

The junior varsity heavyweight race was clearly dominated by a powerful Pennsylvania boat. Harvard, Yale, and Navy struggled for second place, but at 500 meters to go, the Elis had established the half-length margin which they sustained until the finish line. Navy finished two seats behind the Crimson.

The lightweight freshman contest was a three-way struggle between Pennsylvania, Cornell and Harvard, tightly bunched straight down the course.

The Crimson rowed the race very low, at 32, while Penn maintained a cadence of 36-37. Cornell also stroked at 32. At 1000 meters it was Penn by three seats over Harvard. The sprint began. Cornell up to 35, and the Crimson finally mustering a closing 38. It was not enough to narrow the three-quarters length gap that separated Harvard from the winning Quakers, but it was almost enough to catch Cornell, which finished two seats ahead to place second.


A teeming crowd, estimated at 20,000 and dotted by loud clusters of drunken jollifiers, blanked the hillsides to watch the afternoon regatta on Lake Quinsigamond at Worcester.
