
Harvard May Refuse to Give HUAC Membership Lists of Peace Groups

Until that time, however certain one is that a vast crime is in progress, the duties of etiquette bind one to silence or at most quiet, unobtrusive suggestions that perhaps one's chosen leaders ought to alter their course a tiny bit. Therefore I regret the discourteousy of a demonstration I took part in and apolozige to Secretary McNamara.  MERRILL KAITZ '68


The demonstration perpetrated by the Students For A Democratic Society achieved no purposes but to accentuate the disorganization, ignorance of the facts, and false principles which run rampant within this group. Instead of pressing for their goals with the tools of democracy, as their title would indicate, the SDS formed the proverbial "lynch party." They made sure they exercised their freedom of speech, but every word Mr. McNamara uttered was purposely obliterated by a screaming mob.

In the past SDS has made a number of pertinent points about the war in Vietnam and the draft. However, they have combined these viewpoints with an equal dose of radical solutions so as to make their general philosophy totally unpalpable to the community. Assuredly, the group had quite a few serious questions to ask our controversial Secretary of Defense, but the street or an angry mob was neither the environment nor the instrument by which to discuss these topics.

The anti-war organization must also realize that our governing process is based on majority rule. This is not the only section of the nation in which their ideas have been presented, nor are they the only group dedicated to these principles. Yet, their viewpoint, though formidable, is still a definite minority. If this was not so, their opinions would now be controlling our foreign policy. The way to increase influence is not to force doctrines on people that prefer to devise their own political philosophies, or to heckle prominent statesmen, but to apply the tools of our democracy. The SDS has done this; they have reached as many people as possible by legal means. The only alternative that they can rightfully take is to maintain a status quo -- continue their referendums, meetings, and pamphlets; and hope their theories begin to influence a larger number of people. Until this happens, their hands are literally tied by the rules of the democracy they profess to maintain.


As for Monday, they egregiously lacked the facts for a thorough examination of McNamara's opinions. They also overlooked the fact that he had neither the time nor the inclination to express his views -- under the circumstances he was perfectly justified.

The insincere members succeeded in displaying their ignorance and in developing an inaccurate image of the Harvard undergraduate; the incident was ably chronicled by the New York Times and the late newscast on CBSTV. However, chalk this one up for the Administration; SDS should have punted on fourth down.  JEFFREY DONNE
