
Why Do People Overeat? Several Experts Analyze

Overeating and fat are my negative identy. I can only find myself by first plunging into the abyss.

7. Jewish Anthropologist

My family has always been big eaters. They make rich foods, spend all their time at the table, think fat is a sign of well being. I have always been told to finish everything, so as not to waste it, because some people don't have any.

8. American Anthropologist

In this consumer-oriented, overproductive country, slick magazines, huge stores and singing commercials are a never-ending encouragement to stuff oneself. Hence the majority of Americans are overweight.


9. Marxist-Historian

I overeat because I am a member of a dying and too-affluent class, which has nothing to do but kill itself with luxury.

10. Paradoxician

I overeat only since I have be- come interested in dieting; I think and talk about it too much; I can't do it "naturally" the way one is supposed to. If I stopped worrying about it everything would be fine.

11. Hedonist

Everyone has his vices so why not enjoy them?

12. Traditional Christian or Platonist

I am a glutton, a sinner, and will go to hell. Overcoming the evil temptation is my problem, my task, and my greatest test.

13. Everyman

None of your business.

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