
Harvard Malaise Explained

Trivia Writ Large

History: The tendency to introspection among students of American universities in the post-war years, caused by numerous factors, including, for example, the uncertain progress of international relations, the shifting socio-economic forces within the United States, and the tremendous advances being made in applied science and technology.

History and Literature: The disintegration of the pre-modern framework of stability, as evidenced in such uniquely modern creations as Joyce's Ulysses and Lennon's In His Own Write, and, more negatively, in the Second World War.

History of Science: A simple reflection in the psychological sphere of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle.

Medical Sciences: A mild form of neuropathology which could be alleviated by a balanced diet.

Meteorology: High humidity, low visibility, and dirt-laden preciptation.


Military Science: Improper discipline.

Philosophy: What is "malaise" anyway? Is anyone ever "at their case?"

Psychology: An Oedipus, Prometheus, Cain, expulsion, Joseph, Jacob, Jesus, or inferiority complex; a frustrated libido or an identity crisis.

Religion: The eternal attempt of man's flesh to betray his better self.

Social Relations: That depends on what malaise among which students you are talking about. Now, what do you think?

Social Studies: Social maladjustment due to an undue departmentalization of personal concerns. (Now we, on the other hand...)
