
Operation Match

Whenever I see her,

I want to give her one great big I.B.M. kiss.

She's my I.B.M. baby, the ideal lady,

She's my I.B.M. baby.

From the first time I met her I couldn't forget her,


She's my I.B.M. baby.

Well we've dated sometime,

Things are going just fine, and I'd like to settle down with her.

Just like birds of a feather

We put 2 and 2 together, and we came one with an I.B.M. affair.

She's my I.B.M. baby, I don't mean maybe,

She's my I.B.M. baby.

This song never made the big time, but with the help of Vicki & CBS Operation Match did. The volume of returned questionnaires doubled in the last week before the deadline and Tarr, Crump, and Ginsburg could begin to plan a big summer. They set up offices in New York, Cincinnati, Chicago, Pittsburg, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Bloomington, Detroit, and Boston.

This was rapid expansion, and as the summer rolled on it began to look like a mistake. Only about 70 people responded in Bloomington, and even the Boston area response was mediocre. Operation Match's manager here, who was solely on commission, spent a very unprofitable summer.

Tarr attributes the summer slump to a lack of time for organization of these new areas. Because they worked through summer schools, Operation organizers sometimes had as little as eight weeks time to make advertising and press contacts, win approval for their product, and finally collect and program questionnaires.
