
The Swan's Song

Cabbages and Kings

"Yeah, an egg. And I bet it was a dinosaur egg, too."

Just then a gust of wind lifted the straw hat from Jessie's head and blew it through the air until it landed among a congregation of floating ducks. "Boy oh boy!" said Georgie. "Will it sink?"

"Oh Clipper. Get my hat. I want my hat back."

"Oh, for God's sake. How am I supposed to do that?" Clipper avoided the staring eyes of fellow passengers and lollers on the shore.

"I'll swim for it," offered Georgie heroically.


"Oh no you won't," said his mother.

Meanwhile the ducks were nosing the foreign straw object with curiosity, while a collie dog ran up and down the shore barking. The swan boat changed course, pedaling full speed ahead towards the center of interest. "They're going to rescue my hat!" Jessie sighed in the tones of a movie heroine. And, indeed, the attendant was poking away the ducks with a pointed stick. After some sleight of boat and hand, he fished the hat out and proceeded on course.

"Clipper," coaxed Jessie while squeezing water from the streamer and getting her land legs, "let's go to the zoo."

"Where?" asked Clipper. But Jessie was already running ahead towards the balloon man.
