

Tickets and Man at Yale

Cas Sit Together

Although each Yalie must use a separate envelope, by pinning them together an infinite number of students can arrange to sit with each other. If the orders of juniors and sophomores, for instance, are attached, then the requests would receive sophomore priority.

After the deadline, McDermott and his staff sort the envelops by class. Almost never does he discover an incorrectly filled out request or an envelope containing the wrong amount of change. "We're very proud of the student body; they handle it very maturely," he remarks.

Even with undergraduate cooperation, however, the Y.A.A ticket office frequently works as late as midnight to finish its job. Thanks to these long hours, it is always able to fill the ticket orders by the Sunday evening before the game.

The requests, by the way, are filled in random order; the senior class is seated first, and so on. It makes no difference when the envelope is turned in, as long as it is submitted before the deadline.


Tickets Mailed

When the last requisition has been handled, the tickets are mailed out to all those who have enclosed an extra dime. The rest pick them up at the Y.A.A. on the Monday prior to the game or thereafter. Hence ticket purchasing is no fight at Yale, and the Eli gets hot under the collar only during his Saturday duel in the sun.
