
Square Businessmen Resolve Their Problems, Conduct Complete Social Program in 39 Year Old Tradition

Merchants Deal with Decoration, Traffic, Parking, Publicity

Secret Formula

During the afternoon, however, most of the men cen be found around an amply filled punch bowl on the sidelines of the baseball field. Traditionally, Stanley Semers of the University Theatre prepares the mixture with a formula which has sidetracked many celebrants.

At night a banquet in held, at which the prizes for the day are awarded, and a show is held.

Though this annual outing began only 15 years ago, it has since become the highlight of the association's social program.

Parking a Problem


Today the association is especially concerned with the parking and traffic situations in Harvard Square. For the past few years the group has attempted to secure land adjacent to the Square for parking facilities. Lack of adequate space has developed because commuters to Boston leave their cars in the Square for the day and use the subway to travel into town.

The installation of parking meters has lessened this practice but has created problems equally disturbing. A one hour parking limit causes Square shoppers inconvenience. Parking space is still difficult to find, and this lack hinders Suayo business
