

Festivities Open to All Undergraduates

Culminating the summer series of Freshman social events, a dance, intended primarily as a get-together for members of the class of '46, but open to all undergraduates as well, has been definitely scheduled for Thursday, September 3.

Such dances have traditionally been considered as one of the best means of promoting unity among the members of a Freshman class. This summer, with Freshmen divided among the various Houses, this aspect of the affair is being especially considered.

Dance Will Be Held at Lowell

In view of the fact that there have been a scarcity of large dances this summer, however, the committee in charge announces that all undergraduates will be welcome. The dance will be held from 8 to 12 o'clock in the Lowell House Dining Hall.

Further plans for an orchestra are still vague, but Artie Ross will be the choice if he is not engaged elsewhere on the evening of the dance. Ross has an eight piece band which has played in various night spots around Boston.


Freshman Committee Takes Over

Such a dance has been considered by nearly all the committees who have worked on the problem of Inter-house Freshman unity since the question was first raised last winter. It has now, however, been turned over to a committee of Freshmen.

Composing the nucleus of the Dance Committee are five members of the Freshman Inter-house Committee.

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