
War Causes Drop of 200 In Overtaxed Faculty

Shortage of Actual Teachers Forces Closing of Courses

Coincident with the decreased student enrollment throughout the University the number of faculty members has taken a drop. There are approximately 200 less teachers than there were a year ago at this time, excluding any appointments which were made at the most recent meeting of the Corporation.

While 500 men have left the staff, but 356 names have been added. However, these figures do not show correctly the great increase in teaching burdens on the individual men. Since a great percentage of the 356 new appointments were scientists working on special research projects (the exact number cannot be disclosed) who have been made members of the faculty, there are a good deal less actual teaching men than last year.

So when classes open today, there will be a dearth of instructors, reflected in the closing for courses formerly offered. How great the drop will be has not yet been accurately estimated, but it will definitely fall below the figure of 2043 for last year.
