
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Awards Fellowships and Scholarships to Forty-Seven

$23,775 Given by University for Study During Coming Year

George H. Emernson scholarships to George C. Kennedy '40, of Monida, Mont.; and Frederick C. Novello 2G, of Somerville, Mass.

Emerton fellowships to Oscar E. Anderson Jr., of South Bend, Ind.; George McK. Elsey 1G, of Oakmont, Pa.; and William L. Spalding Jr., of Westfield, N. J.

Charles Haven Goodwin scholarship to George S. Phalen '40, of Binghamton, N. Y.

Ozias Goodwin Memorial fellowship to John B. Lawrence, Washington, D. C.

William Watson Goodwin fellowships to Robert A. Brooks '40, of Needham, Mass.; and Leonard E. Woodbury, of Winnipeg, Canada.


Harris fellowship to Robert B. Highsaw 1G, of Memphis, Tenn.

John Harvard fellowships to Whitney R. Cross 1G, of Pittsford, N. Y.; and Edward N. Lorenz 2G, of West Hartford, Conn.

Priscilla Clark Hodges scholarship to Jonathan W. Wright 2G, of Spokane, Wash.

Albert and Anna Howard fellowships to James H. Mantinband '40, of New York, N. Y.; and Ralph E. Wentworth 1G, of Bangor, Me.
