
Freshman Proctors and Their Activities as Undergraduates

Harding, Moushegian, Foshay to Head Group in Buildings in the Yard

The new proctors in freshman dormitories outside the yard will be:

David Bradley Cheek '34, of Wollaston, Mass.; university football team, university track team, chairman of 1934 class day committee; will attend the graduate school--Apley hall.

Arthur Wild '25, of Chicago, Ill.; in charge of the university news office--Claverly hall.

proctors reappointed for next year are:

James B. Ames '32, 1L. of Wayland, Mass.--Grays hall.


William A. Schroeder Jr. '33, 1GB., of McKeesport, Pa.--Matthews hall.

Oscar Sutermeister '32, S.A., of Kansas City, Mo.--Matthews hall.

Rufus W. Meadows '32, 2S.A., of Buffalo, N. Y.--Straus hall.

Lyman H. Butterfield '30, 4G, of Rochester, N. Y., instructor in English--Lionel hall.

Kendrick N. Marshall '21, 4G, of Brockton, Mass., instructor in Government--Mower hall.

George R. Van Schaack, S.B. '29, of Coxsackle, N. Y.--Hollis hall.

John D. Gordon Jr. '30 3G, of Norfolk, Va., instructor in English--Stoughton hall.

Marcel A. Francon, Ph.D. '59, of Cambridge, Mass., instructor in French--Holworthy hall.

Douglas P. Adams '30, 4G, of Cambridge, Mass., instructor in Mathematics--Thayer hall.

Beginald H. Phelps '30, 8G, of Southwick, Mass., instructor in German--Wigglesworth hall.

Frederick W. Hosing, Amherst '29, of Rochester, N. Y., assistant in History--Holworthy hall.

John H. Gleason '30, 2G, of Newton, Mass., assistant in History--Wigglesworth hall.

David D. Lloyd '31, 2L, of Plainsfield, N. J.--Claverly hall.

William N. Bates '28, of Cambridge, Mass.--Little hall
