
The Crimson Playgoer

"ACE OF ACES"--University

Back we go to the good old days of the world war to discover that one man believed that war was hell and that men were like the rats in Norway which swam to sea and drowned. It is a very interesting, indeed a charming plot. Richard Dix is the virile young humanitarian who hates fighting, but he loves a simple lass who tells him that he is as yellow as yellow chalk. Therefore, he enlists, and we next see him mingling with a group of neurasthenic aviators over there. Once in the war, Rocky Thorne becomes a cruel killer. He disobeys orders so that he may soar up to the sun and then swoop down on the tall of some unsuspecting Hun. He breaks all records of bringing down enemy planes, and then he goes to pieces after killing a young German aviator who had down over the American camp to bring a note telling that a wounded American aviator was on the way to recovery and in the hands of friendly Germans. More slop and pre-civil war wisecracks until the war ends, and the Ace of Aces returns to the yellow as yellow chalk girl. Richard Dix continues to be the worst ham actor on the screen. Nevertheless, we like him; he is consistent.


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