

Children's Players to Produce Play Directed by Sam Hume.

The Children's Players will put on "The Yellow Bird," a tale of Old Salem, by Mrs. Pauline Bradford Mackie, of New York, in the Wilbur Theatre, Boston, this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, under the auspices of the Women's Educational and Industrial Union. The production will be staged under the direction of Sam Hume. C. B. Roepper '10 will direct the orchestra. The following members of the University are in the cast: R. C. Fenn '15, D. L. Kennedy '17, F. D. Manson '18, M. Roth '17, and W. M. Silverman '18.

Mrs. Mackie won the prize of $100 offered by the Women's Educational and Industrial Union for the best children's play submitted in an open competition this year, with a play called "The Moving House," which will be presented next spring. The judges in this competition were Professor G. P. Baker '87, Mr. W. P. Eaton '00 and Mrs. B. D. Flebbe.

Other performances of "The Yellow Bird" are to be given at the Wilbur Theatre tomorrow and on December 5 at 10.30 o'clock.


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