

"The Late Christopher Bean"--Henry Miller, 43rd Street E.--Pauline Lord is most diverting in this long-running droll comedy in which a New England family suddenly becomes aware of art in a mad scramble for money.

"One Sunday Afternoon"--48th Street Theatre. A play about a middle Western dentist and his love. Vivid and amusing with Francesca Bruning and Lloyd Nolan.

"Alien Corn--Belasco, 44th Street W.--The glamorous Katharine Cornell as college music teacher in the allen corn of a small middle-West town. An unusual story superbly acted.

"Run, Little Chillun"--Lyrie, 42nd Street, W.--This is a stage miracle, like nothing the theatre has ever seen. Most stirring singing, and dynamic dancing. This is a spectacle that has promises greater than "Green Pastures." A great opportunity. Cast of 175.

"Three-Cornered Moon"--Cort Theatre, 48th Street E.--Ruth Gordon in a comedy deriving hilarity from a serious subject, the depression. Produced by Richard S. Aldrich, Harvard '25. As good as "Another Language."


"Twentieth Century"-- Broadhurst 44th Street W.--A wonderful comedy of an eccentric actor and a temperamental actress on the limited. Undoubtedly the most entertaining comedy with Eugenic Leontovich and Moffat Johnson.
