
The Student Vagabond

"The Origin of Life", Professor Mather, Geology Lecture room.

"Lincoln and the Philosophy of Loyality", Professor Pigors, Emerson N.

"Bramante", Professor Post, small Fogg lecture room.

"The First Voyage of Columbus", Professor Usher, Widener U.

"Grillparzer", Professor Silz, Sever 6.


2 o'clock

"Boswell, Mrs. Thrale, Miss Burney", Professor Greenough, Sever 11.

"Italy under the Langobards", Professor LaPiana, Sever 23.

4.30 o'clock

"Chaucer", Professor Kittredge, Emerson D.


9 o'clock

"The Marriage Projects of James I", Professor Whitney, Harvard 6.

"The Police Power", Professor Holcombe, New Lecture Hall.

"Taste and Smell", Professor Boring, Emerson D.
