
The Student Vagabond

2 o'clock

"Food and its Utilization", Professor Allen, Zoology Laboratory 46.

"Dr. Johnson", Professor Greenough, Sever 11.

"Aeneas and Dido", Mr. Peterkin, Sever 14.



9 o'clock

"Auditory Sensation" (with demonstrations), Professor Boring, Emerson D.

"The Foreign Policy of James I", Professor Whitney, Harvard 6.

10 o'clock

"The French Intervention in Mexico", Professor Baxter, Harvard 2.

"Historical Background of American Literature of the XIX century", Professor Murdock, Harvard 2.

"The Nature of Conscience", Professor, Perry, Emerson A.

"Britain and the European Alliance" (continued), Professor Webster, Sever 35.

"The Theory of Revolution, 1776", Professor Wright, Sever 19.

11 o'clock
