
Progress of Phillips Brooks House, Showing Great

Most of Legal Social Service Done by Legal Aid Society

The activities of the Law School Society during the past year have not been widely different from those of previous years. The chief social service work is, of course, the Legal Aid Society, which has completed a successful season of litigation, under the able leadership of Curtis C. Williams 3L. He and the President of the Society for 1925-26, Richard Wait 2L. have put the work on a very secure basis, and there is present every indication of a healthy growth in the usefulness of this desirable labor. Twenty men have worked at the Cambridge office and an equal number in Boston. The counsel of the Society have given advice or assistance in almost every branch of the law, from patents to domestic relations, which latter field furnishes a very large proportion of the cases.

Lew Lecturers Are Popular

A course of five lectures on the law and related subjects was arranged during the fall. The speakers included Mr. Richard Hale, Professor Manley O. Hudson, the Honorable Irving Lehman, the Honorable Marrin Conboy, and Mr. Thomas C. O'Brien. The attendance varied from 60 to 400. A reception was held for first year men on the opening day of the academic year-attendance 340.

Some 215 books have been withdrawn from the Law Loan Library, with a limit of three books to a man. Many more men could be served if more books were available, but due to the present activity on the part of the Cooperative and other second hand book agencies, most of the used books go into the commercial market. About $360 was collected from law students for the work of the Society.  Respectfully submitted.  R. V. Cafter 31..Secretary


Wide Use of Loan Text-Books Is Reported by Librarian

Of the tour department Phillips Brooks House Library three the Text Book Lean Library, the Randall Library and the Reading Room Library are under charger of the Librarian. The Law School Library's in charge of the Law School Society.

Lend More Than 1000 Books

On September 22, the New Book Loan Library was opened with 2600 books. Up to the present 1130 books have been taken out by 335 undergraduates of the remaining books fully 700 were obsolete or of small important and a large number of the remainder duplicates. 6SPEAKER AT LAST NIGHT'S P. B. H. DINNER PROFESSOR KIRSOPP LAKE This study of Professor Lake, who was the principal speaker at the annual dinner of the Phillips Brooks House last night, was drawn for the Lampoon by James Montgomery Flagg.
