
P. B. H. Officers Make Nineteenth Annual Reports

Average Number at Week-Day Exercises Falls Off Slightly

In addition to these men, the following Faculty members have been in attendance at various times during the year:

Professor N. B. Nash, Mr. Henry Pennypacker, Professor W. B. Munro, Professor F. B. Sayre, Professor H. W. Holmes, Dr. E. H. Bradford, Professor A. N. Holcombe, Professor R. B. Perry, Professor C. H. Moore, Professor J. L. Coolidge.

The annual special Freshman service was held on Thursday evening, October 5th, and was attended by twenty men. This surprisingly small attendance evinces the fact that the incoming class must be enlightened on the opportunities of our voluntary chapel. A very encouraging step was taken in that direction at a meeting of about 25 upper classmen and Freshmen at Dr. E. C. Moore's home on November 20th. The discussion and suggestions showed a keen interest on the part of the first-year men after Dr. Moore and two Seniors had presented the Faculty and undergraduate points of view respectively.

Dr. A. T. Davison gave his first organ recital of the year on Tuesday afternoon, October 31st. Other recitals were given on November 28, December 12, January 30, February 27, and March 27, all except that on February 27 being held in Appleton Chapel. Two more recitals are planned for April 10 and May 22. All are open to the public.

In this connection the committee recommends that the ten minute organ postludes after regular morning prayers during the midyear period be revived next year.


Christmas Services Well Attended

The Christmas Carol services were held on Tuesday afternoon and evening and Wednesday evening, December 19 and 20, and were even more successful than in former years. Under Dr. Davison's leadership the Chapel Choir and the Radcliffe Choral Society attained new heights above their usual excellent standard. All three services were very well attended, there being an attendance of almost 1200 on Wednesday evening.

The committee introduced a new seating plan for the two evening services and found it very efficient. The details of this plan are set down in the report of the committee for December.

The chairman of the committee wishes to thank the following men for their assistance and cooperation in ushering at the carol services and on Sundays:

H. W. Clark '23, J. T. Hayes '24, Parker Hamilton '24, A. J. Byington '24, J. R. Flather '23, R. F. Bradford '23, T. L. Turney '24, E. D. Hamilton '23, H. B. Park '23, C. L. Short '23, J. D. Jameson '24, R. F. Brander '23, B. K. Little '23, W. L. Garrison '24, A. H. Tully Jr. '24, S. B. Andrew '23, F. J. Wells '23, C. D. Chrisman '25, J. N. Macy 1G., K. I. Hutchinson 2E.S., H. L. Hartley '23.

In choosing the preachers for the year, Dr. E. C. Moore is always glad to have a list of possibilities that is representative of all parts of the country and of the best men in those parts. Any suggestions along these lines will be most welcome, as will any others that will improve the chapel services.

Respectfully submitted,  K. B. LUCAS '23,  Chairman Chapel Committee
