

Big Green Team Springs Surprise--Displays Powerful Offense and Pounces on Crimson's Errors

Lee Fumbles Punt

Hammond kicked to Dooley and then tackled him on the 20-yard line. Combs went in for Crosby. A line buck, then an offside penalty, put Dartmouth on the 18-yard line. Hall tripped on a right end run and Combs nailed him. Hall kicked to Lee who fumbled it. The ball rolled offside on the 50-yard line. Spalding went in for Lee. Cheek carried the ball ahead four yards in two line plunges. A pass from Spalding was knocked down by Leavitt. An offside penalty after a punt over the goal line, brought the ball back. Harvard was offside twice on two punts. On the third punt the ball rolled over the side line and was taken out to the Dartmouth 20-yard mark.

Dartmouth lost five yards on a penalty. Hall broke through tackle for two yards. On the next play. Hubbard tackled Dooley on the goal line. Hall kicked to Spalding, who signalled for a fair catch on his 40-yard line. Jenkins gained a yard and Hammond on the third play stumbled into Leavitt's arms on the line of play. Hammond kicked to Dooley, who broke away from Hill and took it back 20' yards to the Green 35-yard line. Leavitt ran the ball off side. Hall gained a yard through the line and Haws advanced it four yards more through left tackle.

Dooley grounded a long pass. Hall kicked to Spalding, who was tackled at the same time by both Dartmouth ends. Jenkins gained five yards on the first down. Time was taken out for Dartmouth. Cheek in a left end run bumped into both his interferes and was tackled without gain. Hall broke up a pass from Spalding to Hill.

On the punt that followed Hubbard tackled Dooley on the 20-yard line. Hall made two yards. Haws gained three more, then Hall kicked offside to Spalding on the 28-yard line. End of half. Score: Dartmouth 13, Harvard 0.


The fact that Dartmouth made six first downs during the first half while Harvard made none showed the jump that Dartmouth had over Harvard on the offense. Between the halves, the rival bands carried on the fight. Here, too, Dartmouth had the edge.

Third Period

The second half started. Hagenbuckle and Kelley were back in the Dartmouth line-up. Hall ran back Hubbard's kick to Dartmouth's 25-yard line. A short tackle play and then Haws broke through for a first down. After a line buck and an incompleted pass, Kelley kicked. Harvard took up the offense on the 13-yard line.

Cheek hammered the line for two plays and a Dartmouth penalty gave Harvard a first down. Hammond kicked high to Dooley on the Green 32-yard line. The Crimson defense stiffened but Haws finally broke through to a first down on the Dartmouth 46-yard line.

Jenkins Gains Twelve Yards

Dunker spilled Kelley for a one-yard loss. Then Kelley kicked to Spalding. Jenkins broke loose for a 12-yard gain around the right end. Both lines piled up in a center rush. A grounded pass and with third down, nine to go. Hammond was tackled by Hagenbuckle ten yards behind his line.

Dooley caught Hammond's punt on his 45-yard line. A line play failed to gain. Hubbard jumped and grabbed a pass thrown by Kelley and ran to the Dartmouth 33-yard line.

Hammond Misses Attempt at Goal

Cheek gained six yards through the line. Jenkins fumbled and recovered and Hammond forwarded to Spalding on the 17-yard line. Two line bucks piled up without gain. Cheek passed to Combs and on the fourth down Hammond tried for the goal and missed it.

Dartmouth began a drive from its 20-yard line. The next two plays gained nothing and Kelley punted to Spalding, who was tackled on the 50-yard line. Spalding passed to Jenkins, who caught the ball on the 38-yard line. Hammond gained nine yards in a long run around left end.
