
Reserve Officers' Training Corps

3. Field and staff officers are assigned to battalions as follows:

1st Battalion: Major C. C. Lane, 1st Lieut., P. W. Long, Battalion Adjutant.

2d Battalion: Major Henry A Frothingham, 1st Lieut. B. A. G. Fuller, Battalion Adjutant.

3d Battalion: Major W. B. Munro, 1st Lieut. R. B. Perry, Battalion Adjutant.

4. All recruits will be assigned to the Recruit Detachment which will be under the command of 1st Lieutenant George Blake, R. O. T. C. Men will be transferred to companies after they have reached the desired state of proficiency and upon recommendation of the detachment commander.


5. Captain Bowen, U. S. Army, is relieved from duty with the Provisional Battalion. 6. Battalion commanders will be held responsible for the thorough instruction of their battalions, and will personally supervise the training of their companies in accordance with the prescribed schedules. There will be no departure from these schedules of training except by direction of the commandant.

7. No member of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps will be excused from any formation, lecture, class-room work, exercise, etc., except for illness, injury, or on express authority from this office.  C. CORDIER,  Captain, U. S. Army, Commandant.  May 18, 1917.
