
Crimson Calendar

4.30.--Southworth Lecture. IV. "The Beginnings of the Free Churches," by the Reverend Dr. Vernon, in Room A of Andover Seminary Building.

Friday, May 7.

4.00.--Team 7 vs. 9, and 12 vs. 14, in Leiter cup series on Soldiers Field.

4.55.--Lecture of Zoological Club, "The Amphibia of Maine," by Mr. P. H. Pope in Zoological Laboratory, Room 46.

8.00.--Lecture on "Stress-strain Diagrams in Steel," by Mr. A. P. Gradolph, in Conant Common Room.


8.00.--1918 debating teams compete in triangular Yale, Harvard, Princeton Freshman Debate on "Resolved, That the United States should abolish the Monroe Doctrine as part of its foreign policy": Negative vs. Yale at New Haven; affirmative vs. Princeton in New Lecture Hall.

Saturday, May 8.

3.00.--University baseball team vs. Holy Cross at Worcester.

3.00.--1918 baseball team vs. Huntington High School on Soldiers Field.

3.00.--Second baseball team vs. Worcester Academy at Worcester.

3.00.--Dual track meet with Cornell in Stadium.

3.00.--1918 dual track meet with Exeter at Exeter.

3.00.--University tennis team vs. Dartmouth on Jarvis Field.

3.00.--University golf team vs. Rhode Island State team at Providence.

4.00.--Team 3 vs. 5, and 8 vs. 10 in Leiter cup series on Soldiers Field.

8.00.--Concert of University Musical Clubs in City Hall, Portland, Me.
