

Outlook for Next Year Good.--Only One Regular Lost to 1916 Team.

The University fencing team closed its season last Saturday night by winning fourth place in the intercollegiate bouts held in New York. While not as successful as was hoped for earlier in the year, this season has resulted considerably better than for several years. The University has been defeated only twice out of nine matches, once by the Navy and another time by Yale; but in the semifinals the University easily defeated Yale and Bowdoin, by winning eighteen out of twenty-one matches. The team that has represented the University during the greater part of the season and in both the finals and semi-finals was made up of Captain T. J. Putnam '15, B. S. Nichals '16, A Shortt '17, and A. B. D. dekay '16, substitute. Fortunately only one of this combination will be lost to the team by graduation, T. J. Putnam '15, and the others with the experience they have acquired this season should make up one of the strongest teams that has represented the University in recent years.
