
Crimson Calendar

7.30.--Meeting of the Diplomatic Club in Memorial Tower.

8.00.--Lecture in Modern Language Conference, "Spenser's Prentice Years," by Dr. Percy W. Long in the Common Room of Conant Hall.

8.00.--Lecture on "The Federal Trade Commission Act," by Joseph E. Davies, Commissioner of Corporations, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., in Emerson A.

Tuesday, March 30.

4.00.--Meeting of Faculty of Arts and Sciences in University 5.


7.30.--1918 football meeting in the Varsity Club.

8.00.--Organ recital by Mr. J. Albert Wilson, organist at the church of Epiphany, Winchester, assisted by Miss Mae A. Young in Andover Chapel.

Wednesday, March 31.

Last day for receiving applications for Divinity School Fellowships and Scholarships.

3.45.--Meeting of the Syndics of the Harvard University Press in University 5.

4.30.--Lecture on Representative Figures in the Religious History of Japan. IV. "Religious Movements in Modern Japan" by Professor Anesaki in Emerson F.

4.45.--Chemical Colloquium. "The Preparation and Reactions of Orthaquinones" by Dr. Frank C. Whitmore in the Coolidge Memorial Laboratory.

8.00.--Graduate Schools Society address. "The College Teacher," by President Ernest Fox Nichols of Dartmouth College, in Phillips Brooks House.

8.00.--Speaking for the Lee Wade II Prizes; musical selections by Dr. Wodell and Miss Alma La Palme in Sanders Theatre.

8.00.--Lecture by S. K. Ratcliffe in the Union.
