
Crimson Calendar

4.00.--Meeting of Faculty of Arts and Sciences in University 5.

8.15.--47 Workshop Play.

Wednesday, March 17.

4.30.--Lectures on "Representative Figures in the Religious History of Japan" II. "A Social Catastrophe and the Work of a Pietist Saint," by Professor Anesaki in Emerson D.

4.45.--Chemical Colloquium. "Allotropic Modifications of Metals" by Mr. L. T. Fairhall in the Coolidge Memorial Laboratory.


8.00.--Gymnastic Meet at Amherst.

8.00.--Lecture by F. Hopkinson Smith in the Union.

8.15.--D. U. Play in Jordan Hall.

7.00.--St. Paul's Society Meeting at Phillips Brooks House. Rev. Prescott Evarts on "The Corporate Communion."

Thursday, March 18.

Ricardo Prize Awarded.

8.15.--Lecture "The Meteor Crater in Arizona," by Professor William F. Magic of Princeton University in the large lecture room of the Jefferson Physical Laboratory.

8.00.--St. Paul's Society. Monthly Corporate Communion in Christ Church, Cambridge. All churchmen in the University are urged to attend.

Friday, March 19.

4.55.--Harvard Zoological Club. "Regeneration of Head Parts in Earth-worms after Removal of the Anterior Portion of the Digestive Tube," by Mr. H. R. Hunt in the Zoological Laboratory, Room 46.
