
Crimson Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

4.30.--Cosmopolitan Club weekly team.

4.30.--**(In French) Lecture on "La eritique anglaise de is poesie francaise avant Entente Cordiale," by Professor Legouis, in Sever 11.

4.45.--*Harvard Zoological Club "Reactions of Tehtacles of One of the Sea Anemones to Tactile Stimuli", by Professor H. W. Rand, in Zoological Laboratory, University Museum, 4th floor, Room 46.

7.00.--*Freshmen vs. Sophomores interclass debating, in Trophy Room of Union.

7.00.--Meeting of Brooks House Cabinet in Phillips Brooks House.


8.00.--**Musical Clubs concert at Theodore Parker Memorial.

8.00.--**Lecture, "The Independence of Latin America and its Evolution in the Nineteenth Century", by Dr. Manoel de Oliveira Lima, Minister Plenipotentiary of Brazil at Brussels, in Emerson D.

8.15.--**Second Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert in Sanders Theatre.

Friday, November 15.

4.30.--**(In German), Lecture, "Leading Ideas of the Present Time. VIII. The Problem of Monism and Dualism", by Professor Eucken, in Emerson D.

4.45.--*Graduate Chemical Club. "The Chemistry of Soil Phosphorus", by Mr. H. L. Walster, in Boylston 9.

7.00.--*Christian Science Society in Brooks House.

7.30.--Music by Kanrich's Orchestra in Living Room of Union.

8.00.--*Seniors vs. Juniors in interclass debating, in Trophy Room of Union.

8.00.--**Harvard Dartmouth dual concert, in Jordan Hall. Boston.

8.00.--Harvard Engineering Society in Conant Common Room.

Saturday, November 16.

2.00.--Meeting of Canadian Club in Trophy Room of Union.

2.00.--**Football with Dartmouth in the Stadium.

2.00.--**Harvard 1916 vs. Yale 1916 at New Haven.
