

Harvard, Yale, and Princeton to Discuss Value of Federal Income Tax.

Stanley Armstrong Hunter '10, the second speaker, comes from Riverside, Galif., and prepared at West Denver School and, for one year at Denver University. He took part in the inter-hall debate in his Sophomore year and was an alternate against Yale. As a Junior he was awarded second prize on the Whig Hall team, and first in the competitive hall debate. He won the Coubertion debating medal this winter.

Chauncoy Bolknap '12, of New York, N. Y., prepared at the High School of Commerce, Last year he was a member of his Freshman team in the debate against Cornell, he is a member of the Clio Hall, and this year won the Spencer Trask prize for debating.

Harvard Speakers Against Yale.

Herbert Brutus Ehrmann '12, who comes from Louisville Male High School, where he took part in several speaking contests. He has never spoken on a college team previously, but was on a college team previously, but was awarded honorable mention for the Pasteur medal last December.

Thomas Montgomery Gregory '10, of Bordentown, N. J., came to Harvard from Williston Academy, Easthampton, Mass. During his first year at College, he made his Freshman debating team; as a Sophomore, he was an alternate, and as a Junior, he was a regular, on the University team. He is vice-president of the University Debating Council, and president of the Harvard Debating Club.


Edward Raymond Burke 2L., of Chadron, Neb., prepared for college at the Sparta High School where he was a member of the debating team. He also debated at Beloit College where he graduated in 1906. This is his first debate as a member of a Harvard team.

The Yale Debating Team

Flardo Reuben Serri '11, of Proctor, Vt., prepared at Proctor High School. In his Sophomore and Junior years at Yale, he was a member of his class debating team.

Stephen Edwards Keeler, Jr., '10, of New Canaan, Conn., prepared at Hoosae High School, and entered the Academic Department at Yale in 1906. In 1909 and 1910 he was on the Academic team and last year he was also a member of the Yale team.

Lindell Theodore Bates '10s., of New York City, prepared at Lawrenceville. He made his Freshman team, and for three years has been a member of the Sheffield-Department team. This is his first year on the University team.C. Belknap '12. N. N. Arnold '11, S. A. Hunter '10. P. S. Walters '10. THE PRINCETON DEBATING TEAM.
