

Conterred Today upon 30 Eminent Delegates by President Lowell.

William Berryman Scott, a delegate from Princeton University; a persistent and thorough explorer of early mammal forms, he has helped to draw aside the veil that shrouds the mystery of life upon our planet;

Doctor of Laws:

Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia University, an institution whose services are writ large in the annals of American education; himself a teacher of teachers, to whom the country owes a lasting debt for the Teachers' College;

Doctor of Laws:

Frank Johnson Goodnow, Professor at Columbia; clear of brain and tireless in work; an expounder of administrative law and municipal government, who has trained many disciples by his teaching, enlightened the public by his works, and placed his great knowledge freely at the service of the state;


Doctor of Laws:

Edwin Anderson Alderman, President of the University of Virginia; we rejoice to greet him here for his devotion to sound scholarship, for his genial Southern sympathy, and as head of a seat of learning to which the country owes much, and under his guidance will owe more;

Doctor of Divinity:

Francis Brown President of Union Theological Seminary; honored in two continents for his labors on the Old Testament, which modern learning has made new; wise and trusted Christian teacher of whose attainments his nation is proud;

Doctor of Letters:

Frederick Jackson Turner, a delegate from the University of Wisconsin; a pioneer in American history, who has set forth in memorable pages the vast influence of Western expansion upon the civilization of our country;

Doctor of Laws:

John Henry Wigmore, delegate from Northwestern University; author of a monumental treatise on the Law of Evidence, a jurist in a day when lawyers are many and jurists rare;

Doctor of Letters:

Francis Barton Gummere, a delegate from Haverford College; a man of letters with a command of literature profound and wide; delightful writer on the origin of English poetry, whose love of song has made the history of song more lovely;
