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Professor White's course on the History of the Greek Drama which was announced in yesterday's CRIMSON is such as has long been needed and will be highly appreciated. The reading for it may be done in the original or in versions. Hitherto only discouragement has met those who have desired a passing acquaintance with the human aspect of Greek literature. They have found themselves in college with but a slight knowledge of Greek and with nothing offered them but courses arranged with a view to technical scholarship. As the result they have naturally been appalled and disheartened. Instead of supplementing their courses in modern literature, English or foreign, with a course in that literature which may almost be called its starting point, they have gone on continually reminded of their ignorance and as continually turned back by the difficulties in the way of enlightening it. Hitherto they have been made to feel that they must be technical or nothing.

Professor White's course does not offer to give a thorough knowledge of Greek. No one course could pretend to. What it should be able to do, however, is to aid a man in reading for the sake of reading and to help him to a general, but still broadening and enlightening, appreciation of Greek Drama.
