


EDITORS DAIY CRIMSON:- In spite of the suggestion published a week ago in the CRIMSON, no action has yet been taken by the baseball Association towards starting the "scrub" championship games. A number of nines have been formed, but no definite games have been arranged simply because there is no one to take the lead. The matter is one that belongs to the 'varsity nine management, and during recent years it has been assumed by them without question. All that needs to be done is to offer cups to the winners. The schedule could be arranged without trouble by the captains of the nines wishing to compete. The expense is an insignificant factor, considering the large surplus the nine is sure to have this year. It is getting so near examination time that unless the matter is attended to very soon, there will be no time to play a series. Let us hope that the association will not defer offering the cups till it is too late.

