
I. C. A. A. A. Meeting.

The annual meeting of the Intercollegiate Association of Track Athletes of America will be held tomorrow at 2 30 p. m., in the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York city.

The delegates from the Harvard Athletic Association will be Captain Bremer, N. W. Bingham, Jr., captain of the Mott Haven team last year, and A. H. Bullock, president of the association.

The meeting will be of especial importance to Harvard for the schedule of events decided on tomorrow is, by the agreement between Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania, to be adopted for the dual games. Anumber of important amendments to the constitution and questions will come up. One amendment which will be considered introduces a three mile run into the order of events, as in English track games. This amendment may be carried, though Harvard does not favor it. It is possible that the mile walk may be dropped entirely.

An amendment will be proposed to take all the bicycle races from the list of events and to have them take place in a separate meeting. W. R. Brinckerhoff, secretary of the Harvard Cycling Association, though not a delegate from the H. A. A., will be present at the meeting and favor the adoption of this amendment. The challenge from the Western Athletic Association for a meeting between the winners in the Mott Haven games and in the Western Intercollegiate games will probably be decided.

The question of challenging the English University Track teams will also be considered. Harvard opposed the challenge last year and probably will again oppose it tomorrow.


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