
Yale Law School Will Fight Discrimination In National Law Body

Yale Law School will ask in December that the American Association of Law Schols bar from membership any discriminatory institutions.

A proposed amendment to the standards of this organization reads: "No school which follows a policy of excluding or segregating qualified applicants or students on the basis of race or color shall be qualified to be admitted to, or to remain a member of the Association."

The amendment will be voted on during the annual meeting of the Association, which convenes in Chicago for three days, starting December 27.

Dean Wesley Sturges of the Yale Law School predicted that the proposal will be met with "varied emotional reactions." It represents the first time that the Association has officially considered the segregation.



Dean Sturges remarked that the Law Schol faces the dilemma of whether to remain in, and be represented by, an organization condoning a policy which Yale opposes. The proposal would not only bar from membership discriminatory schools presently applying, but would also have the retroactive effect of expelling member schools which enforce discrimination.
