
Fact and Rumor.

The Coumbia 'varsity crew this year will only average 160 pounds, making it the lightest crew Columbia has put on the water for years.

All the alumni of Wesleyan are being asked to vote on the question of changing the name of the college, and to suggest any new name, if a change is favored.

Capt. Roddy, of the Princeton Mott Haven Team, has ordered his men to appear on the field for practice at 2 o'clock instead of at four as formerly, so as to accustom them to the heat of the afternoon sun.

The Conference Francaise will, as usual, give some spring theatricals about the 1st of May. There will be two plays-"La Poudre aux Yeux," a well-known comedy by Labiche and Martin, and Moliere's "Les Precieuses Ridicules."

A few changes were made in the 'varsity boat yesterday. Lynam rowed at 4 and Powers at 2, making the order as follows: Stroke, Perkins; 7, Kelton; 6, Vail, 5, Cummings; 4, Lynam; 3, Rantoul; 2, Powers; Bow, Newell; coxswain, Cobb. Adams and Keyes coached as usual.


Announcement has been made at Cornell that all juniors and seniors who have good standing in the general courses will be allowed to take regular work in the law school and have it counted tward graduation. This plan practically reduces the course to three years for all who enter the law school.
