
Fact and Rumor.

The first of the three long themes on subjects drawn from the sixteenth or seventeenth centuries, will be due in French 6 on Monday, January 19.

The following comprise the seventh ten of the Institute: Townsend, Baker, Tremain, Stevens, Dunn, Curtis, Thompson, Merriam, Hoppin, Wood.

Professor Cooke will give a lecture reviewing the course in Chemistry A on Wednesday, January 21, at 7.30 in the Jefferson Physical Laboratory.

Statistics show that the 94 universities of Europe have 1,723 more professors, and 41,814 more students than the 360 colleges of the United States.

English B men whose themes were signed B. S. H. can see Mr. Hurlbut at 27 Hollis on Tuesdays from 3 to 5 and Saturdays from 10 to 12.


The agent of the Journal of Ethics at Harvard is C. C. Ramsay, '92, of 10 Divinity Hall, to whom subscriptions (two dollars) may be sent. His hours are 5 to 5.30 p. m.

The following men have been elected members of the Glee Club: W. Wells, L. S., R. T. Whitehouse '91, J. Wendell, Jr. '91, H. F. Hollis '92, S. C. Marvin '93, S. E. Farwell '93, L. Tremain '93, H. A. Cutler '94.

The members of the senior class, Harvard Dental School, met at the Infirmary last Wednesday evening and formed a permanent organization, electing the following officers: George B. Perry, president; Joseph Paul, vice-president; Nathan P. Wyllie, secretary and treasurer. The class numbers eighteen members and besides New England, is represented by Germany, Switzerland, France, New Zealand, Japan, Canada, California and Illinois.
