
Mott Haven Team.

Today is the last day of hard work for the men on the Mott Haven team, and tomorrow they will take little, if any exercise. They go to New York on Friday and spend the night at the Park Avenue Hotel. The team has a special car on the way down and a second car will be reserved also, if enough men (twenty-five or thirty) sign the book at Leavitt's.

As the chances of victory at the Oval are decidedly in favor of Harvard, men should be very willing to accompany the team and give them the support they deserve. The men will leave the Grand Central shortly afternoon on Saturday. The games commence at 2.30, and those who have no reserved seats thould be on the Oval early, as, unless the weather is bad, the grounds will be packed to overflowing.

With any good fortune Harvard should win first by a comfortable margin, and even in spite of a few unexpected reserves they can still score more points than either Yale or Columbia, Dohm having already admitted that Princeton has hardly a chance for first place. It is difficult to say which of the two, Yale or Columbia, will press Harvard closest, as there are several events which cannot be given to any one college. Of these, the hammer, shot and broad jump are especially uncertain, and one cannot say whether Dohm or Downs will be victorious in the race they meet in. Yale, Princeton and Harvard should be the order for the 100 and 220. Harvard will win either the quarter or half, and possibly both, and in the mile will be able to make a good struggle for a place; Lowell's weak ankle will prevent him from doing as good work as he could otherwise accomplish, however.

The mile walk will be close between McIlvaine and Bardeen, although the general opinion is in favor of the latter. The low hurdles will go to Lee, with Williams second and Mapes third, although the Columbia man may beat his Yale opponent for place.

Williams and Mapes should be first and second in the high hurdles, with Fearing a close third. The high jump also belongs to Harvard, although Webster, the U. of P. man, will enter for that event contrary to report, which said that he was not training. Davis ought to win the bicycle from Clark of Yale, but it will be a very close race. Welsh of Columbia is generally expected to win the pole vault, with Crane and Ryder of Yale working for second place. The tug-of-war should go to Columbia, Yale being second and Princeton third.

