
The 'Varsity Eleven.

About twenty-five players and several hundred spectators appeared on Jarvis yesterday afternoon in response to the call for candidates for the football eleven. Of last year's team only four men were out-Sears, Harding, Trafford and Cumnock. Several other old players have come back to college and will probably begin practice very soon. Among the new men were Finlay, Perry, Hight, Curtis, Howe, Atkinson, Hunneman, Morse, Dexter, Brooks, Allen, Davis, Emmons, B. Tilton, Clark, Fitzhugh, Quimby, Cranston and Goldthwaite. The men were divided into three squads, headed by Capts. Sears, Trafford and Harding, and an hour was spent in sharp practice, first in dropping on the ball and then in running and passing. All the candidates showed an activity and eagerness which augur well. While it is too early to begin to make predictions as to the make-up of the eleven, the outlook is good. There seems to be no reason why, with hard and faithful practice, Harvard cannot place a strong team in the field in the coming contests with Yale and Princeton.

There are many players in college who did not come out to play yesterday. It is hoped that all who can will be on Jarvis every afternoon; the more the better. The same kind of practice will be kept up for several days. It is expected that a provisional eleven will play the Tufts eleven at College Hill, on Saturday afternoon.
