
University Calendar.


AMERICAN ECONOMIC AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIONS.A joint session of the American Economic Association and the American Historical Association will be held in Sanders Theatre, on Tuesday, May 24, at 3 p.m. A paper on "The Study of Statistics in Colleges" will be read by Carroll D. Wright, U. S. Commissioner of Labor Statistics, one on "Our Legal Tender Decisions," by Professor E. J. James, of the University of Pennsylvania, and one by Dr. A. B. Hart, on the "Biography of a River and Harbor Bill."

HONORS IN CLASSICS.The remainder of the examinations for Honors in Classics (Second-Year and Final) will be held in Sever 37 in accordance with the scheme given below.

Monday, May 9. The translation at Sight of Passages from Latin Authors. At 9.15 o'clock. The General Paper. At 2 o'clock.

Thursday, June 2. Greek Composition. At 9.15 o'clock.


Wednesday, June 8. Latin Composi- At 9.15 o'clock.

ENGLISH B.Theme XII. will be due on Tuesday, May 17. The choice of subject and of manner of treatment is left to the writer.

A note of the subject of each theme, on a card specially prepared for the purpose, must be deposited in the wooden box in Sever 3 at least one week before the theme is due. A card will be found enclosed in every theme returned to students.
