
Fact and Rumor.

The Lincoln Rink has been engaged by the Yale students for the winter games, which will occur on the evenings of Wednesday and Saturday, the 2d and 5th of March.

Yale has received a challenge from the Columbia Tug-of-War Team to pull under the rules of the Inter-collegiate Athletic Association. The challenge will be accepted and the contest will take place in New Haven on March 17.

A fire broke out in the old laboratory at Yale yesterday in which the Cooperative store has its rooms. A few of the articles were lost, but beyond this the society will suffer little loss. The damage to the building was slight.

Mr. R. P. Wilder, a student of Princeton, who intend to devote his life to missionary work in India, will speak on foreign missions at the Y. M. C. A. rooms to-day. There will be a meeting from 1.30 to 2 p.m., and another at 6.30. Mr. Wilder has visited a large number of our colleges, and is a powerful speaker.

"Tandem" exclaimed a CRIMSON editor as he saw two menials of the college taking measurements for some new plank-walks which are to be laid on the approach to the library. Though this extravagant improvement will deprive the CRIMSON of one of its favorite editorial subjects, we feel that we must forget petty grievances in rejoicing about the public weal.

