

The next lecture in Political Economy 6 will be given on Tuesday, May 13th, at 4 P. M.

Lunch will be served at Memorial tomorrow, from 12 to 1.30, to enable the boarders at the hall to attend the class races.

The summaries of the sophomore themes will be returned next Thursday. the themes will then be due in one week.

Two members of the I Zingari cricket club of Philadelphia recently made the remarkable score of 145 and 125 runs respectively.

During the week several spurts have taken place between the university and junior crews in which neither was able to draw ahead of the other.


The Yale university crew is considerably lighter this year than last, the heaviest man weighing 180 1-2 lbs. and the lightest 161 lbs. The average is a little over 171 lbs.

Mr. Hart will deliver his next lecture in History 13 at 4 o'clock today, instead of at the regular hour on Saturday. This is to accommodate those who wish to attend the class races.

Seniors who intend to substitute commencement parts for forensics will please give notice in writing, stating for which two forensics in each case the substitution is to be made.

The presidential preferences of the Princeton men are indicated by the following ballot : Of 306 votes cast, Blaine received 111 ; Edmunds 91 ; Tilden 26 ; Bayard 16 ; Lincoln 12 ; Arthur 11, Cleveland 10 ; Carlisle 4 ; Gresham, Sherman, McDonald and Payne 3 each ; and 11 scattering.

Owing to a mistake, the price of admission to the Yale game on Saturday has been printed on the posters as twenty-five cents, instead of fifty cents which has always been the price of admission to all Yale games, exhibition or championship.
