

At the last meeting of the Metaphysical Club of Boston Professor W. W. Goodwin read his interesting essay on "The Views of Plato and Aristotle on Immortality."

The entrance of Memorial presented an unusual appearance yesterday noon, being thronged with soldiers, policemen, veterans and a miscellaneous crowd of lookers-on.

Rev. E. G. Robinson, president of Brown, is to deliver the oration before the school and alumni of the Worcester Academy on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, June 25th.

Walking still continues to be a favorite means of exercise at Yale, as the papers from that college contain account of walks which are frequently accomplished by faculty as well as by students.

The Clipper says of the Lehigh tug-of-war team at the games, that their previous work gave them courage, which did not prevail against the superior ability of the better-drilled Harvards, whose anchor, cool as an iceberg, exercised intelligent control over his men.


The next championship games will be played on Jarvis field on June 11th and 14th, with Dartmouth, the last game before the final struggle with Yale on June 21st. The last game of the season will be played with Yale at New Haven on June 24th, after which the nine will disband.
