

Many of the instructors devoted their last recitations to an explanation of the elective courses in their respective subjects.

The make-up examination for men who were unable to take the mid-year examination in Latin 2, will be held June 9th.

The freshman nine leave for New Haven by the 4.30 train, Friday afternoon. They will meet at Bartlett's at 3.30.

Charles Dudley Warner will deliver the oration before the Dartmouth Phi Beta Kappa at the approaching commencement.

It is feared that Loud will be unable to play in the first Yale game owing to an injury to his ankle. Litchfield also has an ugly finger.


The regular fare for round trip to New Haven is $7.76. Favorable rates have been procured as may be seen by notice in another column.

Professor C. R. Lamson has been elected secretary of the American Oriental Society, of which Professor Whiting of Yale, is president.

The freshman nine will not play the John L. Whiting nine this afternoon, because both the pitcher and catcher of the latter team are laid up.

Wallace Ross, the oarsman, is training the Columbia crews, and by rowing along with them is getting himself into good trim for his approaching race.

It is expected that the laying of the corner stones of the new library and chapel at Dartmouth will take place at the time of the commencement exercises.

The university crew is now rowing in the following order: 1, Mumford, 2, Borland, 3, Storrow, 4, Sawyer, 5, Clarke, 6, Hudgens, 7, Perkins, 8, Bryant.

The marks upon the final examination in Latin 2 will be divided as follows: 40 per cent. on the work of the year; 40 per cent. on sight passages; 20 per cent. on questions and comments.

A telegram has been received from the manager of the lacrosse team of New York University, which announces that the team will be unable to meet our team next Saturday, as previously arranged. The game is therefore forfeited to us.
