

Storrow rowed in place of Mumford last Saturday.

Recitations, except for the freshmen, end today.

There is a rumor that Columbia is to have a daily paper.

The track is in excellent condition for the bicycle races next Saturday.

The Yale bicycle races take place tomorrow. Mr. Norton will compete.


Amherst is talking of devoting her curriculum to the classics alone. [Ex.Mr. E. L. Thayer has been elected Kr. of the Hasty Pudding Club for the next theatricals.The meet of the Shooting Club which was announced for today has been postponed until tomorrow.

The Institute of 1770 had a very enjoyable dinner at the Quincy House, last evening.

The improvements around the Jefferson Physical Labratory are nearly completed.

The following men have been elected members of the Hasty Pudding Club from '85: Messrs. S. S. Bartlett, Batten and Morris.

Tickets for tonight's entertainment at the new skating rink were distributed to the boarders at Memorial Hall last evening.

The first of a series of ball games between the nine of the DAILY CRIMSON and a picked nine was played yesterday afternoon on Jarvis Field, resulting in a victory for the latter.

The Bostons have at last defeated the New Yorks. By the victory of the Philadelphia's over Providence, the Bostons are now advanced to the head of the league clubs.

The nine was tendered a supper by the Princeton nine on Saturday evening after the game. All the members of the nine speak in the highest praise of the courtesy shown them by the Princeton men, and seem to have enjoyed the trip throughout.

All the '87 men who can possibly leave Cambridge should make an effort to accompany their nine to New Haven. Their support is of the utmost importance at the first game of the series, more especially since that game is to be played on the home grounds of their rivals.

The American lacrosse team, at Whalley Range, England, last Saturday won its third victory by defeating the picked team from nine clubs of the North of England Lacrosse Association, by a score of five goals to nothing. Two of the goals were made by Nichols of Harvard. In the three games thus far the Americans have scored thirteen goals to one made by their English opponents.
