

being put, Bemis attempted to break the Harvard record in the

MILE WALK.He started off in beautiful form and by square heel and toe work managed to get over the first lap in 1 minute, 48 seconds. The second lap compelled him to slacken his speed a little, and was walked in 3.45, the third in 5.44, and the fourth in 7.37 1-4, three and a quarter seconds above the Harvard record. Bemis' style of walking is excellent, and he ought by no means to feel discouraged at his failure to break the record, as the rain went far towards slackening his speed. As Bemis finished his last lap, the contestants in the

RUNNING HIGH JUMP.took their places and one after the other cleared the bar up to 5 feet, 5 inches. Here C. H. Atkinson, '85, and F. B. Fogg, '85, tied, as they both failed to clear 5 feet, 6 inches. H. L. Clark, '87, got over 5 feet 6 inches, thus winning. The jumping was good considering how soft and slippery the rain had made the ground. Quite a delay ensued before the


MILE RUN.As soon as the men were found they ranged in position in the following order. J. B. Walker, '84, A. E. Strong, '85. W. Austin, '87, G. F. Davidson, '85, W. C. Fish, '86, and W. A. Henry, L. S. Shortly after the start Henry took the lead, but Davidson soon passed him and the men ran one after the other for the first lap, when Austin dropped out. On the second lap Walker, who held third place, passed Henry and followed closely in Davidson's foot-steps. At the end of the third lap Fish and Henry dropped out and left only Davidson and Walker. Davidson was passed by Walker on the last time around. Walker spurted finely on the last hundred yards and won in 5 min. 1 7-8 seconds, with Davidson second, 5 minutes, 6 seconds.

As two men failed to appear for the 220-yards dash, it was not run, and the next event in order was the

HALF-MILE RUN,for which W. Baker, '86, S. Abbot, '87, T. H. Root, '85, C. F. Brandt, '85, and E. E. Graham, '86, entered. Baker got a good start and immediately took the lead and passed the mark on the first lap in the fast time of 1 minute, but visibly slackened on the last lap and only finished in 2 minutes, 9 seconds, leaving the other competitors 40 yards behind. Brandt and root ran side by side, but Brandt pulled ahead as he passed the tape and came in 2 minutes, 14 seconds. Last of all came the

POLE YAULT,for which only two entered, namely, H. F. Mandell, '84, and P. R. Frothingham, '86. Both cleared the bar up to 8 feet, but Frothingham failed to lift himself over 8 feet, 11 1-2 inches, and as Mandell could not get over 9 feet, 5 inches, he ceased to try and was declared winner at 8 feet, 11 1-2 inches.

The officers of the course were: referee, I. T. Burr, Jr., '79; judges, Prof. C. R. Lanman, W. H. Goodwin, Jr. '84; time keepers, E. A. Church, J. G. Lathrop, U. A. A. C., W. R. Trask, '85; starter, T. J. Coolidge, Jr., '84; measurers, W. F. Wesselhoeft, '84, F Remington, '87; scorer, J. E. Thayer, '85; Clerk of course, W. M. Burr, '84; assistant clerk of course, P.S. Parker, '86.
