

The Andover nine, against which our university nine is to play this afternoon, is said to be as strong a team as many of those in the college league.

The Oberlin university nine consists of the following : Wiley, Burwell, Pounds, Lee, McKee, Gulick, Chapman, Holland and Nichols.

A telegram from Exeter, was received late Wednesday morning, saying that it was raining there. The game with '87 was therefore postponed until Tuesday.

The presidential canvass at Madison University resulted as follows : Edmunds, 39; Blaine, 26; Tilden, 8; Arthur, 3; Bayard, 3; Lincoln, 2; Logan, 2; Cleveland, 1; Conkling, 1.

Recently, delegates from the Ohio State, Wooster and Denison Universities met at the University buildings in Columbus, and perfected the organization of the Ohio Inter-Collegiate Athletic Association.


The Brown freshmen will play '87 on Jarvis Field at 4 o'clock, today. As this will be the most important college game played by the freshmen, if the game with Yale is given up, the class ought to turn out in large numbers to support the nine.

The benefit concert of the Glee Club and Pierian took place last evening and was a deserved success, both in the selections which were rendered and the size of the audience. These concerts are becoming more and more favorably looked upon by the students and the people of Cambridge, who are always ready to pass an evening in as pleasant a way as is afforded by the concert of these two societies.
