

The sale of tickets for the third public performance of "Hernani" will begin this morning at Mr. Gordon Abbott's room, 11 Weld.

The uniforms of the nine. although very handsome, are hardly crimson in color. Their jerseys are the darkest we have seen in college.

The number of men who drew for rooms and failed, are now heard muttering about a new dormitory and more accommodation in the yard.

Banjo playing is becoming so popular at Dartmouth that the college paper facetiously remarks that: "Dartmouth will yet be famous as a musical conservatory."

Ball nines are being talked of by several of the tables at Memorial. Club tables outside of the hall will also put forward scrub nines as the evenings grow longer.


The elective pamphlet for next year will soon be ready at the office. Several radical and important changes will be made from the schedule of this year.

One of the members of the Yale Bicycle club severely sprained his arm while riding during the recess. A team refused to turn out for him and forced him down a ten feet embankment. [Ex.

Hopes are entertained that the appropriation for perfumes has run out, and that hereafter the college will restrain its employs from sowing discord between the students and their rulers.

The University Club whose members are taken from the corporation, fellows and professors of the whole university held their first social gathering of the year at the medical school building on last Friday.

Bad weather has not been hard upon our base-ball nine alone. The Dartmouth nine during their recent spring recess started on a trip to play several games ; but the weather was so bad that they had to disband until term began again.
