

The contest for the Oelrichs Lacrosse cup will take place May 1st, on the grounds of the Stevens Institute Athletic Association, at Hoboken, New Jersey.

The Columbia Col. nine defeated the Dauntless nine of Brooklyn, on April 5th, by a score of 9 to 6. Columbia fielded well, but were weak at the bat and in their base running.

The unusual demand for tickets to the Hasty Pudding Theatricals has induced the management to arrange for another performance to be given Monday evening, April 28th.

Some fine courts are to be laid out behind the Jefferson Laboratory. They will be graded with especial care, and will doubtless be used for match games and tournaments.

One of the best tennis grounds in college, (that behind College House,) has been rendered useless by a notice, planted directly in the middle of the court, intended to forbid base-ball playing.


Hunt, left fielder and change catcher of the Amherst nine, colleded with the second baseman of the Springfields, recently and brick one of the bones of his forearm. As Hunt is one of the strongest players on the nine his loss will be severely felt.

Nominations for the president and vice-president of Memorial Hall close Tuesday morning after breakfast; nominations for directors close Wednesday morning after breakfast. The elections will take place Wednesday, at dinner, for officers, and Thursday, at dinner, for directors.
