

Yale played a very fine game of ball with the New York league nine on Thursday, the professionals securing but five safe hits from Booth's pitching.

Several of last year's foot-ball team are trying for the lacrosse team. There is a possibility that Marquand, '85 will return. He would greatly strengthen the team.

The Beacons will play the Bostons on Saturday. Nichols was to have pitched for the Beacons, but we understand that the faculty have forbidden his doing so.

The following men will compose the nine in the game to-day: Nichols P., Allen c., Smith 1 b., Phillips 2 b., Beaman 3 b., Baker s. s., Le Moyne 1. f., Winslow c. f., Lovering r. f.

Mr. Norris, of Stevens Institute, is now visiting in Cambridge. He intends to study the play of the Harvard Lacrosse Team, with a view to coaching the Stevens team on his return.


At the recent meeting of the Rugby Foot Ball Association, in London, the question of abolishing the rule allowing "mauls in goal" was brought up. It was decided, however, by a majority of two to one to retain the rule.

The Oxford-Cambridge best time on record in races four miles and two furlongs in length, was made in 1873, by Cambridge, who won by three lengths; time, 19 minutes and 36 seconds.

The Yale College Athletic Association will hold its spring games at New Haven, Conn., on May 7. The new officers of the association are, President, A. C. Thompson, '85, Vice President, J. A. A Twood, '85, S. S. S., Secretary and Treasurer, T. G. Waterman, '86.
