

There will be a half-hour examination in Greek 7, as soon as the section finishes the oration of Demosthenes. The history of Thucydides will then be taken up.

A college student wrote home to his father for some money to buy books. The father promptly replied: "I shan't give you any money to throw away on books. You don't need them. I've been through college myself." [Ex.

Prof. Laughlin gave an interesting lecture in Political Economy 1, yesterday, on the present condition of the silver question in this country, blaming Congress for the careless way in which such an important issue was treated.

Colby University has lately been the recipient of two fine pieces of sculpture. One is the original model of the Roger Williams statue, and the other is the model of "The Signing of the Compact," which stands at present at Plymouth.

The debate of the Harvard Union last evening was fairly well attended in spite of the inclement weather. The disputants of the evening, Messrs. Root and Currier and Messrs. Coffin and Rich for the affirmative and negative acquitted themselves well and were supported by several speakers from the floor.


The Manual of the Harvard Club of New York for 1884 has just been issued. The list of names shows a membership of 332. Among the members from recent classes are G. Andrews, '83, Perry Belmont, '72, Paul Dana, '74, L. L. Delafield, '83, Prescott Evarts, '81, L. Godkin, '81, U. S. Grant, Jr., '74, H. G. Leavitt, '83, R. S. Minturn, '84, J. A. Noyes, '83, W. H. Page, '83, E. N. Perrin, '82, Theodore Roosevett, '80, Barrett Wendell, '77 and E. J. Wendell, '82..
