

For junior Theme 4, due today, the following topics are suggested: 1. The Athletic Question. 2. The Greek Question. 3. The Tariff. 4. The next President.

Cottlee, of Yale, will probably accept the terms of the faculty and take his diploma with '85 so as to go to Europe with the American team of which he has been chosen a member.

A contract is to be given for the sodding of Holmes field. The nine may possibly have the use of the field by the middle of May, not April, as was stated in our issue of yesterday.

Sophomore Theme IV. will be returned with criticisms from 2 to 5, as follows: Abbot to Dickey, in Sever 3 ; Dike to J. W. Richardson, in Sever 1 ; M. W. Richardson to Wyman, in Sever 5.

The assignment of rooms for the examination in freshman mathematics is as follows: Maximum section in U. E. R. Mr. Lane's sections, 1, 2, and 3 in Mass. 1: 4 in Mass. 3. Dr. Peirce's sections: 5, 6, and 7 in Sever 37; 8 in Sever 35. Conditioned men will go to Sever 35.


Billy Frazer, the popular sparring teacher, several of whose pupils took part in the winter games, sparred at the Mitchell-Kilrain exhibition in Boston last evening. Frazer showed remarkable quickness and although matched against a heavier antagonist was more than his equal.

The Harvard Union will this evening debate the following question: "Resolved, That the United States should cooperate with other nations in the ferreting out and punishing of violent plotters against established governments." Messrs. Waite and Eaton of the Law School will support the affirmative, and Messrs, Hoar, L. S., and Halbert, '85, the negative.
