

The revolt of the seniors at Hamilton College shows no signs of weaking. The class numbers fifty, and is united. Parents have been written to by the college authorities asking aid in enforcing discipline.

A Yale graduate in Boston says that the order and discipline in professional clubs is far superior to those in amateur and college clubs, and that, in four years' experience, he has failed to see the least harm in playing professionals.

The president and fellows of Harvard College have appropriated $100 for the Boston firemen's relief fund, in recognition of the service done by the fire department at the new building of the Medical School, on Boylston street, one night last May.

Senior (to freshman) : "I suppose you know we are not going to have chapel any longer." Fresh. : "Is that so? Won't that be nice! But why are they not going to have chapel any longer!" Senior (grinning): "Because it is long enough now."

There are in the Andover Theological School eight resident licentiates, five students in the advanced class, seven in the senior class, eight in the middle class, eleven in the junior class, and two resident students, making a total of forty-one.


The annual dinner of the Rhode Island Harvard Club will be held in Providence next Friday. President Eliot and Professor Dyer are expected to be present, and the latter will present for discussion the question of Greek in the college curriculum.

The Brown faculty has refused to adopt the athletic regulations. The Brunonian remarks: "SO far as we have been able to learn, the faculty rejected the resolutions on the ground that while certain restrictions in regard to "professionals" were needed, the provisions of the restrictions for not fairly meet the demands of the case. We cannot see the necessity of placing such restructions-prohibitory in some cases-upon the athletic sports of a large number of colleges, simply for the purpose of helping forward the reformation of certain collegiate foot-ball players who are in the habit of kicking each other instead of the ball."
